Frequently asked Questions about Psychic Readings
Why get a psychic reading?
The reasons for people getting psychic readings are varied. Some come along with specific reasons, some come along out of curiosity, sometimes even scepticism. Nothing excites me more than sitting with someone and explaining aspects of their life without any previous knowledge – especially their thought processes, current situations or their recent past.
Psychic readings from a skilled clairvoyant can have a profound impact on a person’s understanding of their life and can help them gain new insights into their purpose and destiny.
How are clairvoyant readings performed and how does it work?
My ability has become a natural and uncomplicated process for me. I prefer to use the term clairvoyant these days as most people can relate to the word more accurately. I do not use cards or psychometry or any other tools when giving a reading. I rely on a combination of clairvoyance and clairaudience and pure psychic ability.
Explaining these internal psychic processes can be difficult, as it’s something that must be personally experienced to be truly understood. I see, hear, feel, and sense—sometimes all at once. Over the decades, it has become an automatic part of my perceptions.
“Psychic is of the soul. If I were to say it’s as easy as breathing, that wouldn’t make much sense to someone. Similarly, if I said it was entirely out of my control, it would sound careless. It’s probably like trying to explain the concept of snowfields to someone from the desert—it’s a unique experience for each individual with the ability, and the only way to truly understand would be to experience it yourself.”
Why is it important to make a recording of a reading?
I think it’s important when you get a psychic reading you should be able to have a recording of what’s being said. Sometimes it can take quite a while before you really understand what’s being said at the time of the reading. Through years of experience and thousands of readings I have found when people see me again, they will tell me things that have been explained to them previously that have eventuated in one form or another. Most of the time it’s these things that seemed insignificant or irrelevant that made sense the most. I always encourage people not to put their own version to what they think is being said, but simply listen to the words and what those words mean and allow time for these things to occur.
I’m unsure whether to come along, I don’t want to hear anything bad.
To be completely honest, a reading with me involves “the good the bad and everything in between”. I give people bad news from time to time – that’s life. I give people what I receive, and I don’t edit or sugarcoat anything. That’s unrealistic and it’s not really up to me to filter what you may need to know. Having said that, getting a reading is a very interesting and positive experience for most people. The only advice I can offer in this situation is to decide based on your intuition. If you want to come along and you have a gut feeling to see me, please feel free to contact me. It’s not all weird and spooky like a lot of people are led to believe.
Can I ask questions during a reading?
It’s okay to ask questions, but I prefer to leave them until the end of the reading. When I give readings, I aim to remain detached, allowing the information to flow freely without interference from my own mind and personality. Asking too many questions during the reading can sometimes disrupt my concentration and distract me from what I’m seeing and hearing, potentially impacting the flow and quality of the session. I prefer clients to come along, sit quietly, and allow the reading to unfold naturally. It’s likely that answers will emerge on different topics as the reading progresses. If you have questions, I recommend making a mental note and asking them toward the end of the session. I’ll do my best to provide the answers that come through.
When can I come back for another reading and how long should I wait?
This is a very common question that I get asked often. The answer I like to give my clients is to wait and see how the reading pans out over time. I don’t think it’s necessary coming back within a specific time frame, you may not get any new information and the readings can double up. I really believe if you’re meant to come back, you’ll have a gut feeling as to when the time is right.
How did you become involved with psychic readings?
I’ve always had a deep interest in psychic phenomena, mediumship, the paranormal, and anything related to the unknown. I had quite a few psychic experiences in my younger years but thought nothing of it other than being more intuitive than most. I have always had an uncanny ability to feel the mental and emotional mindsets of others. I thought it was normal. Most people can recall a psychic experience in one form or another in their life especially when they were young; it’s not uncommon.
After leaving school and starting an apprenticeship in Australia, I started giving serious thought to developing these abilities. My boss and his wife, who had originally immigrated from the UK, were quite knowledgeable about Spiritualism and Mediumship. They fascinated me with their own personal spiritual experiences from when they were in England. My boss’s wife recognised my enthusiasm and encouraged me to explore the subject further. I clearly remember thinking that meeting these people was a very important part of my destiny. In 1987, everything started to fall into place when I joined a school of metaphysics specialising in esoteric spirituality. It was then that I began to learn and be guided in understanding the inner processes that had always intrigued and excited me.
Are you the same Clairvoyant who was at Buderim on the Sunshine Coast?
During the 1990’s, I read for thousands of clients on the Sunshine Coast, operating out of my home office in Buderim before I relocated back to Brisbane.
Why is learning to understand intuition so important?
Intuition is often referred to as “the gut feeling” or the inner voice of the soul, and it’s a process I encourage everyone to explore. By practising intuition consciously when making decisions, you’ll be guided to make better choices that align more closely with your higher purpose, leading to better outcomes. Intuition is about learning to “feel” objectively, without relying on mental logic or emotional reasoning. It serves as the “walkie-talkie” between the soul and the mind.
How do free will and destiny work together?
Free will with regard to destiny is not the ability to do whatever you want or how you want it. Free will is the ability to choose among the various options or opportunities that are available to a person within the confines of their life at any given time.
Your soul has many prearranged experiences and events mapped out before it incarnates; the human part of us has free will on how we choose to handle or deal with these experiences. We need a free will component on our journey, otherwise there wouldn’t be any growth – there would be no point.
If you honestly look at your life, I’m sure you will see there have been times when you haven’t had any or perhaps only limited free will, and situations have just played out completely out of your control. Other times we can be presented with temptations to test our highest values, to choose right or wrong, good or bad. Free will essentially plays a big part in the advancement and spiritual development of the soul.
Free will and destiny co-exist. Think of it as like getting on a train. You can pick which carriage to enter, you can choose what seat you would like to sit in from what’s available, but the train will remain en route to its destination.
From another perspective, I have always felt the more intuitively aware you become, the less free will you’ll seem to have, as the soul with its experience and knowledge has a stronger influence over the mind with decision making. Choices, therefore become less conscious and more naturally intuitive.
Putting it simply, physical reality is a huge theatrical act, a testing ground full of human experiences for each soul to test and develop from. You’re an avatar in a stage play using intention and free will amongst rulesets to develop consciousness.
What is the soul and how would you explain it?
The soul is essentially an incarnated spirit, a nonphysical energy of consciousness. Quoting Gary Zukav, “Your soul existed long before your birth and will continue to exist long after your death.” I like to visualise the soul as the individual eternal spiritual database in every human being, gathering information and learning through all of life’s experiences. The physical body, mind, emotions and personality are tools for the soul. Physical reality is the theme. The main goal of the soul and essentially the purpose of life is to awaken to the divine within.
Do you believe in Karma and how does it work?
Karma was first introduced as a spiritual concept in Hinduism. Simply put, it represents the “memories of the soul.” It’s the process of balancing past experiences, which are unconsciously carried forward from previous lifetimes into the present or future incarnations, offering the soul opportunities for spiritual development.
Karma is not a form of retribution for past actions, as it’s sometimes depicted in Western society where it’s portrayed as a reward and punishment system controlled by an angry god. It can seem this way when judged from a human perspective, especially when influenced by superstition and myth.
Understanding karma is not as simple as grasping the concept of cause and effect, since we lack conscious awareness of the memories from our past lives and experiences. Although both universal laws may appear similar, they function in fundamentally different ways. Karma is a fascinating and complex topic, one that is deeply personal and unique to each individual.
What is déjà vu and why do I experience it sometimes?
Déjà vu, which translates from French as “already seen,” is a form of psychic experience that can manifest in two distinct ways. The soul often previews significant events in our lives long before they occur, typically during sleep in a dream state. Alternatively, brief moments of precognition may arise while daydreaming. These fleeting insights, however, are frequently dismissed as random, abstract thoughts and quickly forgotten.
Precognitive thoughts and images of future events or situations often intermingle with feelings that seem unrelated to the conscious mind at the time. When these events eventually occur—sometimes weeks, months, or even years later—fragmented memories resurface, evoking the sensation that we have seen or experienced them before.
What about the concept of Soulmates?
I believe in the concept of soulmates, but not in the, “warm and fuzzy” version often used today. Many people are led to believe that meeting a soulmate is a perfect, divine reunion with another soul, one that guarantees endless happiness and contentment. In reality, this isn’t always the case. Relationships, in all their forms, bring depth and richness to life, and if they were always easy, we wouldn’t have the opportunity to grow and evolve.
From years of experience and thousands of readings, I have learned that souls group together in the earth plane through many incarnations for multitudes of reasons, and it can be as marital partners, siblings, relatives, friends, or children. Occasionally in readings, I will sometimes discover a strong karmic connection between two or more people. Putting it simply this means they’ve known or had significant experiences together in previous incarnations in one form or another and have reconnected in the present experience. You don’t have to be psychic to feel this yourself with certain people – it can be a real “knowing” feeling from a very deep level, especially when you first meet.